Good Shepherd - Week of March 16th

Sunday Worship

Join us this Sunday as we continue our series, I the 9am and 10:45am worship gatherings in person, or the livestream option directly from our website at (

Click below for the study guide for Sunday March 16th

Prayer Focus for the Week

Prayers for Pete Pavidis and family on the passing of Harriet on Monday, March 10th.
Carol Ramseyer (prayers following surgery).
Dawn Jaeger (prayers for healing and recovery).
Betty Lou Crain (prayers for healing).
Lorraine Porter (prayers for healing).
Alicia Porter (prayers for comfort and strength).
Chris Zato (prayers for healing).
Deanne Warren (prayers for healing).
Mary Marsh (prayers for healing).
Prayers for those attending Gleanings Mission, March 16th-21st.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41.10

Request Prayer

Submit prayer requests to or click the button below.


3/16 - Flo Walters, 93
3/20 - Belinda MacLeod, 88

3/16 - Robert and Rita Bilevich, married 57 years

Lenten Devotionals

The Lenten Devotionals "The WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE" - inspiration from Henri J.M. Nouwen, are available to pick up in the Narthex.

Faith at Four (45)

Join us on Wednesday, March 19th at 4:45pm in the Choir Room for Harmony and Hymns.
Mark and Peggy Malbon will lead us to explore the history, authors, and stories behind our faith's favorite hymns. Bring a friend and stay for dinner. 

Prime Time Day Trip

Plan to join us on Sunday, April 13th as we attend the Living Art Experience at the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center, inspired by the Life of Christ, a unique presentation through "living" productions of famous works of art. This theatrical masterpiece includes life-sized paintings and sculptures, live models within the art. The program will be narrated with an original script and presented with an inspirational musical score by an orchestra and vocal ensemble. We will leave the church at 12:30pm, program starts at 2pm and return around 5:30pm via coach. Cost: $75. Sign up at the Senior Ministry table on the Plaza. 


Quilters meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 10am in the Round Room #4. Their next meeting is on March 24th.

Prime Time Luncheon

Join us on Thursday, March 27th at 12 noon in Zirbel Hall for Shamrocks, Pineapples and Aloha! Put on your best Hawaiian outfit for a lunch that will transport you to the "islands" - where you'll experience the meaning of Aloha and enjoy the blessings of the Hui O'Hula dancers. Sign up at the Senior Ministries table on the Plaza. Cost: $5.00. 

Gospel Sing-Along

Join us on Friday, March 21st from 6:30-8pm in the Fireside Room to sing or just to listen to Country Gospel. Acoustic instruments welcomed. Music is provided. 

Welcome to Deacon's Corner

Having trouble paying to get your car fixed or can't afford your property taxes? Maybe Good Shepherd can help. Contact our Benevolence Deacon, Janet McWhorter, at She will send you a Benevolence Fund Application to complete. Janet will then meet with Pastor Bryan to discuss your request, review support amount, and pray for you. You will then be contacted about how we can support you. Please be assured that all communication is strictly confidential. 

Special Needs Community Dance

You are invited to our next Special Needs Dance, an evening of fun for people with developmental disabilities. Join us on Friday, April 4th from 7-9pm in Zirbel Hall. Wayne Harrington (DJ) plays great music to dance to, listen to, and enjoy with a room full of friends. You are welcome to bring refreshments to share. 

Brazilian Carnival "Rising TIDE Dinner"

Rising TIDE will be holding a Brazilian Carnival Rising TIDE-style Fundraising Dinner on Friday, March 28th at 6pm, 607 E. 3rd St., Long Beach. There will be interpretative centers, Brazilian appetizers, a Brazilian full course BBQ, a mock Brazilian bar, and a special program to raise much needed funds. One reservation ($50), table of 4 ($190), table of 6 ($280). To RSVP or donate: visit or call/text 562/257.6881. Sandy Hearn will be at the Local Missions table on the Plaza between worship gatherings for questions. 

Red Cross Blood Drive, April 1st, Zirbel Hall, 10-4pm

You can be a quiet hero, just roll up your sleeve and save lives! In order to fill our schedule, we need your help to spread the word to your neighbors, family, and friends. All are welcome to join us in this life saving effort. To schedule an appointment go to or call 1/800/733.2767. Invite a friend to schedule an appointment too. Donating blood is always more fun with a friend. 

Stephen Ministers

Having a difficult, emotional, and/or spiritual time lately? Stephen Ministers at Good Shepherd are available to listen and pray with you as you share what is on your heart and mind during these stressful days. Stephen Ministers care. All care is confidential. Contact
Pastor Bryan at 562/493.2553 x116 to learn more about receiving the loving care of a Good Shepherd Stephen Minister.  

Fires in Southern California

The hygiene collection items for fire victims are continuing far into the future and we hope to continue to be of help. You can still bring hygiene items and write checks of support made out to Food Finders. You can even make pledges of support to give monthly. All help is very appreciated by the people who have lost everything. Thank you for caring. 


Phone: 562/493.2553
Office Hours: 9am-4pm Monday-Thursday