Week of January 19th

Sunday Worship
Join us this Sunday at 9am and 10:45am in person or the livestream option directly from our website at (gspc.org).
Click below for the study guide for Sunday January 19th.
Click below for the study guide for Sunday January 19th.
Prayer Focus for the Week
Dick Ramseyer (under hospice care).
Chris Zato (prayers for healing).
Deanne Warren (prayers for healing).
Herb Barnard (prayers for recovery and healing).
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41.10
Chris Zato (prayers for healing).
Deanne Warren (prayers for healing).
Herb Barnard (prayers for recovery and healing).
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41.10
Request Prayer
Submit prayer requests to prayer@gspc.org
1/19 - Ann Crowe, 84
1/23 - Pete and Harriet Pavidis, 54
1/19 - Ann Crowe, 84
1/23 - Pete and Harriet Pavidis, 54
Church Campus Closed
The Church Campus will be closed on Monday, January 20th, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Parents Night Out - January 24th
Once a month, parents are invited to drop off their kids at 5pm and head off campus for a night out until 8pm. Kids will play games, eat dinner, and most of all, be safe! Just $20 a family, no matter how many kids!
New Book Study
A New Book Study led by Doug Scholten will begin on Wednesday, January 22nd at 6:45pm. Have you ever been baffled by the Bible? Have you wondered how a book written in a time and place so different from our own, can be used by God to speak to our daily experience? When we understand how the Bible actually works we are able to let it do what it was given to do in our lives.
The book we will be studying is entitled How the Bible Actually Works by Peter Enns. If you are interested in joining in this study, or have questions about it, please email Doug at dougcccbp@gmail.com.
The book we will be studying is entitled How the Bible Actually Works by Peter Enns. If you are interested in joining in this study, or have questions about it, please email Doug at dougcccbp@gmail.com.
Fires in Southern California
Are you wondering how you can help with the devastating fires in Southern California? We are teaming up with Food Finders as they are sending needed supplies to those areas in desperate need.
Items needed include:
bottled water
non-perishable snacks and food:
(peanut butter, crackers, fruit pieces,
canned tuna, etc...)
new socks and underwear (all sizes)
fresh oranges and apples
N-95 masks
Hygiene items:
(tooth brushes, shampoo, tooth paste,
hair brushes)
money (checks made out to Food Finders)
Please bring the items mentioned above to: the Local Missions Table on Sundays, the church office - Monday through Thursday (9am-4pm), or directly to Food Finders, 10539 Humbolt St., Los Alamitos.
Items needed include:
bottled water
non-perishable snacks and food:
(peanut butter, crackers, fruit pieces,
canned tuna, etc...)
new socks and underwear (all sizes)
fresh oranges and apples
N-95 masks
Hygiene items:
(tooth brushes, shampoo, tooth paste,
hair brushes)
money (checks made out to Food Finders)
Please bring the items mentioned above to: the Local Missions Table on Sundays, the church office - Monday through Thursday (9am-4pm), or directly to Food Finders, 10539 Humbolt St., Los Alamitos.
Women's Ministry Bunco Event
An "Evening in Paris" will be the theme for the next Women's Ministry Bunco event. Mark your calendar for Friday, January 31st at 6:30pm in the Fireside Room. A light Parisian dinner will be served, along with dessert. Cost - $10. Reserve your spot at the Women's Ministry Table on the Plaza.
Good Shepherd Prayer Team
The Prayer Ministry is looking for volunteers to be part of a team that prays for those in our congregation who request prayers for themselves or a loved one. This is a confidential ministry that requires a very small investment of time, but its impact is HUGE for the recipient. Please contact Heidi Butcher for more information at 714/319.5040.
Faith at Four (45)
Join us on Wednesday, January 22nd at 4:45pm in the Choir Room for Harmony and Hymns as Mark and Peggy Malbon lead us to explore the history, authors, and stories behind our faith's favorite hymns. Bring a friend and plan to stay for dinner on the Plaza.
Stephen Ministers
Having a difficult, emotional, and/or spiritual time lately? Stephen Ministers at Good Shepherd are available to listen and pray with you as you share what is on your heart and mind during these stressful days. Stephen Ministers care. All care is confidential. Contact Pastor Bryan at 562/493.2553 x116 to learn more about receiving the loving care of a Good Shepherd Stephen Minister.
Precept Bible Study - Knowing God's Covenant
The next Precept Bible Study class is a topical study of Knowing God's Covenant starting February 5th and led by Talbot Jaeger. Class is held each Wednesday from 6:35-8pm. Cost of the workbook is $25. Contact Jack Knutzen at 562/810.7808 to get the workbook.
See this incredible thread running from Genesis through Revelation. God enters into a binding agreement with His people and always keeps His promises. Trusting Him as a covenant partner frees us from the bondage of worry and anxiety.
See this incredible thread running from Genesis through Revelation. God enters into a binding agreement with His people and always keeps His promises. Trusting Him as a covenant partner frees us from the bondage of worry and anxiety.
Quilters meet the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 10am in the Round Room #4. Their next meeting is on January 27th.
Giving Statements
Giving Statements will be mailed out by the end of January 2025.
Giving Envelopes
Pick up your Weekly or Monthly Giving Envelopes on the table in the Narthex.
Email: info@gspc.org
Phone: 562/493.2553
Prayer: prayer@gspc.org
Office Hours: 9am-4pm Monday-Thursday
Phone: 562/493.2553
Prayer: prayer@gspc.org
Office Hours: 9am-4pm Monday-Thursday