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Study Guide | The Letter to the Hebrews 2.10-18


Here's this week's study guide for Hebrews 2.10-18, which we will look at this Sunday, May 29th.

With it I would like to comment about the buzz around the recent prediction by Harold Camping that Jesus would return last Saturday, May 21st, at 6pm.

The buzz has taken on two dimensions.

One is the mocking of Christians for this kind of prediction and the accompanying emphasis on God's judgment.

The second is about the foolishness of thinking that one has figured out the day and time of Jesus' return.

We look forward to a future - an unknown future time - when Jesus does return, when history as we know it ends, when this world is re-created and becomes the dwelling place of God and humankind. We look forward to this time in which justice is fully realized, sin and death are completely destroyed, and life is as God fully intended.

But we also must take seriously Jesus' words - not even he knew the day or time that these things would take place. Further, he warned his followers not to see things like wars, famines, earthquakes (he might have included tornadoes if they were common in Israel), etc. as signs of his return. No one but the Father knows and therefore it is useless (and foolish) to presume that anyone can know when that will be.

Harold Camping seems to be a person who desires the attention of the media and the sense of importance that comes from the kinds of bold (but inappropriate) statements concerning Jesus and God's plans that he makes. He was certain that Jesus would return in 1994 - but was wrong. He was wrong about May 21st and will be wrong about October 21st as well.

I appreciate the response of one of our members whose friend began to denigrate Christians for such foolish predictions. Her response was something like, "I agree that is foolishness, but I still believe Jesus will return one day just as he promised... and that gives me hope and great joy."

Good response.

With hope and joy,

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