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Study Guide | Matthew 6:19-34

This Sunday we look at the third Resolutions You Might Not Have Thought Of and turn to the resolution to "Keep the Weight Off."

"But," you say, "that sounds like a common resolution and one that is readily thought of!" Well, we will be talking about the weight of worry. What can we do, according to Jesus, to keep from being overwhelmed by the weight of anxiety that readily comes our way? How do we maintain the right focus and priorities so we are freed from the weight of worry?

I hope to see you Sunday. Here is the study guide.

As a reminder, our Annual Congregational Meeting is Tuesday, January 21st at 7pm in the Sanctuary. Your presence there is not just requested, it is important. This meeting will include an important dialogue with the Presbytery Representatives helping with our Joint Solution for gracious separation from the PC(USA). Those representatives want to hear from you as they work towards a recommendation to our Presbytery for dismissal. Please make every effort to attend.

Thank you. And blessed New Year!
Pastor Jim

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