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Study Guide | Matthew 5.1-12

Greetings Good Shepherd Friends,

Here is the study guide that beings our series on the Sermon on the Mount, engaging Matthew 5.1-12. We are entitling the series “Build Your House on THAT!” referring to the true foundation that is established when we hear Jesus’ teaching, surrender to what he says - and to him - and enter into the activity and realm of the Kingdom of Heaven.

It is that sure foundation Jesus invites his audience to build upon so they - and we - will be unshakeable, and be blessed by God.

The teaching of Jesus is challenging because he seems to touch on many of the attitudes, values, and perspectives that we and our culture have adopted that are in direct opposition to the values and perspectives and attitudes of the reign or kingdom of God. Our study calls for three very important things:

  1. to listen to Jesus’ words and allow God to speak to us through them;
  2. to be honest about ourselves and our assumptions and our values that may stand against what Jesus is saying; and
  3. to respond obediently to Jesus’ call to enter into the blessed life God offers.

It will be a difficult but truly rewarding journey toward building our lives on the one, sure foundation.

With gratitude for you,
Pastor Jim

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