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Study Guide | 1st John 1.5-2.2


We are entering into the Summer of Love - that’s the name of the series of teaching and messages drawn from the Letter of 1st John that began last weekend.

With great determination and enthusiasm, in 1st John 1.5-2.2 John writes to convey the heart of the gospel - God is light, this light has come into the world in the person of Jesus, and this light reveals God’s heart of love! Here is the study guide.

What a powerful message and how pertinent for us today and for our call to help others experience the love and joy of knowing God personally.

Not only do I hope your summer will be enriched by special events and times with family and friends, but I also hope it will be enriched by your study of and hearing this letter expounded in our worship gatherings.

In his love,
Pastor Jim

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