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Pastor's Note | Saturday, November 15th

On Saturday, November 1st, over 120 pastors and elders from 26 churches gathered at Malibu Presbyterian Church for the first meeting of the Presbytery of Southern California of our new denominational home ECO: A Covenant Order of Presbyterians. The meeting began with an hour and one-half of worship that included hearing from Greg Hughes, Pastor at Malibu and former Associate Pastor here at Good Shepherd, who pointed out the ways in which God has continually worked through the “small things” of life. He reminded us that wherever two or three are gathered, the risen and reigning Lord Jesus is present in a powerful way.

Worship was followed by a business meeting that lasted one hour during which we approved the call of two pastors, welcomed retired pastors who transferred to ECO, and elected pastors and elders to serve on Presbytery Committees. We took a lunch break and then spent time in training seminars.

It was a profound day. Four hours - from 10am to 2pm - which may seem like a short time. But God was very present and used this “small thing” in a big way. It was the launch of our new ministry context, a collegial environment in which the same theological foundation is shared, in which the same focus on making Jesus known to our communities was expressed, and in which the primary objective of helping others become Jesus’ disciples was reinforced. As we look forward to our future as a congregation we can be certain that the ECO context will be a significant resource and encouragement.

I am confident God is leading us forward and sustaining us through the denominational transition and upcoming pastoral staffing transition. At the same time we have been challenged to meet some extraordinary financial challenges. As you heard Elder Eric Dicus present last week, we have a significant operating budget deficit of approximately $80,000 that we hope to eliminate by the end of the year. On top of that is the dismissal settlement cost which has come to $443,000. We have - thanks to your generosity - received pledges and donations for close to $280,000, leaving roughly $163,000 to go. Yes, it is asking a lot. Yes, it’s challenging. However, I know we have the resources to erase the deficit and to fully fund the dismissal settlement. Each of us will have to be willing to ask God what our role should be and respond generously. Commit your support through 2015 and/or pledge to our dismissal settlement.

As we enter into the Thanksgiving and Advent/Christmas seasons I would like to express my appreciation for you, for the depth of faith I see among our community of faith, for the willingness to honor God with the resources we have been blessed with, and for the desire to be used by God to bless our community with the hope of abundant and everlasting life through Jesus Christ. Thank you very much.

Pastor Jim

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