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Mission Affinity Group questions

This morning in worship I mentioned the role of Mission Affinity Groups in the life of every ECO congregation.

The narrative questions we will be held accountable for are included below. If you'd like to learn more about Mission Affinity Groups, click onto ECO's website at http://eco-pres.org/covenant-relationship/.

  1. How has the Holy Spirit been evident in your congregation in the past year - through conversions, growth in the fruit of the Spirit, or other transformational experiences that make disciples of Jesus Christ?
  2. How has your congregation extended itself beyond its bounds through the establishment of new communities of worship and discipleship, expanding the Kingdom of God?
  3. In what ways is your congregation seeking the welfare of the community to which you have been called - devoting itself to the poor, seeking justice, and living out the whole of the Great Commission?
  4. How are you encouraging people to allow God’s Word to shape their priorities and actions, and to nurture constant learning and the life of the mind?
  5. How are you helping children and others new to the Christian faith to discover Jesus and grow in their understanding and love of God’s Word?
  6. Describe the moral expression in your congregation - are you more like the world or more like participants in the values of the Kingdom of God?
  7. How is your congregation intentionally unleashing the ministries of women, men, and people of different ethnic groups who are experiencing God’s call?
  8. How is the idea of ministry as the joy and calling of every disciple evident in your congregation? How are you equipping people to represent Jesus more effectively in their respective professions?
  9. Illustrate the commitment of your congregation to global evangelism and discipleship, including examples of where you are engaging and with whom you are partnering.
  10. How does your congregation understand commitment to the larger church through our connectional relationships within the Body of Christ?

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